Claus D. Volko
- Austrian Software Engineer, born in 1983 (biography).
- This website serves as a repository of writings and computer programs created by the author.
- I am basically a text worker: I read, write and edit articles as well as code.
- I am a very creative person with a lot of fantasy and ideas.
- Both extra- and introverted intuition are highly developed in me.
- I am extremely open to experience and have a vivid imagination.
- When I was a child, adults used to call me "clever".
- Computers:
I started teaching myself to program when I was eight years old. The book "Gödel, Escher, Bach - An Eternal Golden Braid" by Douglas Hofstadter ignited my interest in theoretical computer science, which was one of the subjects I specialized in as a university student. In addition I mainly studied formal logics and algorithms. As a professional software engineer I am primarily a C# expert, but I am also knowledgable about C++ and a variety of other programming languages. In my spare time I developed several computer games.
- Philosophy:
My father taught me the philosophy of Sir Karl Popper. I am not only a recipient of Popper's philosophy but I have also come up with my own ideas, mostly related to metaphysics and epistemology. Also, I am interested in the "Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe" by Christopher Langan and in the personality theory of Carl Gustav Jung.
- Science:
My main interest with science lies with chemistry, especially biochemistry, which was my favourite subject at medical school, but I also like to learn about physics. I have contributed a couple of papers about the relationship between hormones, immunity and stress to medical science, together with my late friend and mentor Dr. Uwe Rohr, and coined the term "symbiont conversion". In 2015 I founded the website 21st Century Headlines where I post news items about various branches of science on a regular basis.
- Psychometrics:
I have always been very good at doing brain teasers and solving logical puzzles. According to two different intelligence tests I have an IQ of 172 (rarity: 1 in 1.2 million). My personal attitude to intelligence is that I consider creativity more valuable. For me intelligence is only a tool helping me in creative endeavours.
Research Papers
Essays about Metaphysics and Epistemology
Essays about Psychology
Essays about Life Sciences
Essays about Computer Science
Short Stories
Computer Games
Strategy Games
Puzzle Games
Action Games
Old Adventure Games
Computer Art
Imprint: This website is owned by Claus D. Volko, Vienna, Austria. No liability is taken for the contents of any of the linked websites. Claus D. Volko does not collect any personal information on the visitors of this website. Contact via email: mail (at) cdvolko (dot) net.