Thursday, November 30th, 2023

Millions of new materials discovered with deep learning

“I can see any failure as a chance”

Artificial intelligence finds ways to develop new drugs

Aging, Human Research Studies Ahead of Next Cargo Mission

New XPrize Will Award $101 Million To Innovators Who Can Reverse Aging

Meet Strange Metals: Where Electricity May Flow Without Electrons

One Groundbreaking Year Ago ChatGPT Ushered in an AI Era: How Has It Impacted Society?

New technique helps LLMs improve reasoning by ignoring irrelevant information

Device keeps brain alive, functioning separate from body

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023

OpenAI Isn’t Expected to Offer Microsoft, Other Investors a Board Seat

Rolls-Royce: Wasserstoff-Flugzeuge werden keine Rolle spielen

Did OpenAI Secretly Create a Brain-Like Intelligence After All?

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

Study: Immersive engagement in mixed reality can be measured with reaction time

Three lines of defense against risks from AI

Tiny Speaker Busts Past Sound Limits With Ultrasound

‘Huge egos are in play’: behind the firing and rehiring of OpenAI’s Sam Altman

Sam Altman says successful people ‘believe in themselves almost to the point of delusion’ — that’s frightening, says expert

Some OpenAI engineers make as much as $800,000 and were key players in Sam Altman's return

An ultrasmall organic synapse for neuromorphic computing

Erectile dysfunction risk may rise on lengthy space missions, rat study reveals

A population-level digital histologic biomarker for enhanced prognosis of invasive breast cancer

The University of Tokyo Completes Installation of 127-Qubit IBM Quantum Eagle Processor

Simplifying Transformer Blocks

Clarifying a An Apparent Conundrum in Classification Performance Metrics

New consortium aims to provide a unified voice on aging research in the UK

AI under the microscope: the algorithms powering the search for cells

VectorY lands $138m to target neurodegeneration with vectorized antibodies

Seamount twice the size of world's tallest building discovered 'hidden under the waves'

Friday, November 24th, 2023

Insilico Medicine: An Ethical, Innovative, Forward-Thinking Artificial Intelligence (AI) Company For Cancer Patients

A new approach to create fast-charging lithium-ion batteries with a graphite-based anode

A comet wagged its tail as it flew past the sun

Neue kosmische Strahlung gibt Rätsel auf

Superenergiereiches Teilchen aus dem All verblüfft Astronomen

Ein Longevity-Zentrum für Zürich: Das ewige Leben gibt es bald zu kaufen

OpenAI is reportedly close to an AI breakthrough that could 'threaten humanity'

Painful fibromyalgia may be caused by the wrong kind of gut microbes

Triple Star discovery could revolutionize understanding of stellar evolution

Chinesische Firma errichtet 16-Megawatt-Windrad in 24 Stunden

This AI Paper Proposes ML-BENCH: A Novel Artificial Intelligence Approach Developed to Assess the Effectiveness of LLMs

Baltics Conference on Healthy Longevity, Riga 2023

Patient Dies After Being Gene-Edited to Have Lower Cholesterol

Hydrogen Detected in Lunar Samples, Points to Resource Availability for Space Exploration

Global view of Io's volcanic activity suggests that tidal heating is concentrated within its upper mantle

Google's DeepMind AI can make better weather forecasts than supercomputers

‘Our vision statement is clear: Expand healthy lifespan for the benefit of all’

Forward raises $100m to roll out AI-powered doctor’s office

Beyond Yamanaka: Mogrify demystifies cellular reprogramming

‘The longevity revolution has the potential to transform healthcare in our lifetime’

The first embryos from a mammal have now been grown in space

UK Concerned About Japan’s Co-Firing Plans to Curb Emissions

You need 100 qubits to accelerate discovery with quantum

Total Aortic Arch Repair and Partial Removal of Endograft After Ruptured Type B Aortic Dissection Repair

Seltsam „leiser“ Strom in seltsamem Metall

OpenAI: Was das Paper eines Board-Mitglieds mit dem Führungschaos zu tun hatte

NIH study shows elevating NAD+ with NR supplementation effectively reduces inflammation

Thursday, November 23rd, 2023

Why eating red meat and dairy could actually prevent cancer

Researchers obtain promising results against capacity loss in vanadium batteries

‘Breakthrough’ CRISPR Treatment Slashes Cholesterol in First Human Clinical Trial

Wi-Fi for neurons: first map of wireless nerve signals unveiled in worms

Rogue Worlds Throw Planetary Ideas Out of Orbit

Übertragbare Tumore - eine seltene Laune der Natur?

Sam Altman is said to be in talks with the OpenAI board about a possible return

AI is at an inflection point, Fei-Fei Li says

OpenAI Made an AI Breakthrough Before Altman Firing, Stoking Excitement and Concern

MIT physicists turn pencil lead into “gold”

Great white sharks are hanging out in the twilight zone and scientists don't know why

The Case for Using AI to Log Your Every Living Moment

Lifelong model editing in large language models: Balancing low-cost targeted edits and catastrophic forgetting

A new machine is able to keep the brain alive without a heart

Engineers develop framework to predict types of sounds likely to be heard at certain locations

Billionaire ‘techno-optimist’ Marc Andreessen is tweeting up a storm about Sam Altman and OpenAI and he’s furious at the AI ‘doomer’ movement

Apple's succession plan is completely different to OpenAI's, in that it actually has one

U.S. Transhumanist Party Virtual Enlightenment Salon with Ivan de Weber – October 22, 2023

Bill Gates: "Nur mehr 3 Tage pro Woche arbeiten ist in Ordnung"

Thrive-Led OpenAI Tender to Continue After Altman Returns

Q*: Super-KI soll Schuld an Sam Altmans Rauswurf bei OpenAI gewesen sein

Somatic evolution of marine transmissible leukemias in the common cockle, Cerastoderma edule

Centuries of genome instability and evolution in soft-shell clam, Mya arenaria, bivalve transmissible neoplasia

A deep dive into transmissible cancer evolution in bivalve mollusks

InnovationRx: Generative AI For Drug Discovery

Haut.AI raises €2m to expand skincare B2B SaaS

New Danish alliance will combat a global health crisis

Bill Gates says a 3-day work week where 'machines can make all the food and stuff' isn't a bad idea

Water leaking into Earth's core may have birthed a mysterious layer that churns out crystals

City-size 'devil comet' headed for Earth loses its iconic horns and turns green after latest volcanic eruption

Mods Are Asleep. Quick, Everyone Release AI Products

AI: Grappling with a New Kind of Intelligence

Possible OpenAI's Q* breakthrough and DeepMind's AlphaGo-type systems plus LLMs

OpenAI-Mitarbeiter warnten vor gefährlichem KI-Durchbruch

Scientists discover strange new form of magnetism

Inflection AI unveils Inflection-2, surpassing Google and Meta in AI performance

Physiker erzeugen Hopfion-Ringe

OpenAI researchers warned board of AI breakthrough ahead of CEO ouster, sources say

"Bedrohung für die Menschheit": OpenAI-Forscher warnten vor KI-Durchbruch

How Apple is already using machine learning and AI in iOS

New Paper Argues Against "Magical" Extremes of Brain Plasticity

Turns Out Earth's Pulse 'Beats' Every 27.5 Million Years, But Why?

Can machine learning methods help in extending lifespan?

15 Best Longevity Books for 2024

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2023

Researchers develop AI-powered model to predict stock market trends

Sam Altman, OpenAI Board Open Talks to Negotiate His Possible Return

Sam Altman is set to return as the CEO of OpenAI

Earth Just Received A Laser-Beamed Message From 16 Million Kilometers Away

Breaking: Sam Altman will rejoin OpenAI as CEO after board coup

A New Map of the Universe, Painted With Cosmic Neutrinos

1st black hole ever imaged by humans has twisted magnetic fields and scientists are thrilled

Sam Altman kehrt zu OpenAI zurück

Breaking: Sam Altman will rejoin OpenAI as CEO after board coup

„Die Chinesen probieren liebend gerne aus“

Tiefgekühlt in die Zukunft: Will Thiel zu viel?

Quantum Computing For Hybrid Computer Brain Preference

Sam Altman Returns as OpenAI CEO in Dramatic Reversal

Long in the Bluetooth: Scientists develop a more efficient way to transmit data between our devices

Sam Altman to Return as CEO of OpenAI

Researchers develop a stretchable and efficient wearable thermoelectric energy harvester

Our brains are not able to ‘rewire’ themselves, despite what most scientists believe, new study argues

5 New Ways to Build A.I. Into Your Company's Core

Single ions in nano-sized particles: A new platform for quantum information processing

Einzelne Atome im Fokus

Scientists discover closest known Earth-sized world only 22 light-years away

OpenAI’s initial new board counts Larry Summers among its ranks

Neuroscientists pinpoint how memories are likely to be stored in the brain

To protect science, we must use LLMs as zero-shot translators

Large Language Models pose risk to science with false answers, says Oxford study

World's first look at the atomic-scale of a future nuclear fuel shows how chromium can improve performance

'Stellar vampires' may feed on hidden stars in their systems

A comet wagged its tail as it flew past the sun

James Webb Space Telescope discovers 'Cosmic Vine' of 20 connected galaxies in the early universe

Osium AI uses artificial intelligence to speed up materials innovation

Meet the Lawyer Leading the Human Resistance Against AI

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Researchers seek consensus on what constitutes Artificial General Intelligence

OpenAI-Revolte: Mitarbeiter stellen Rücktritts-Ultimatum an Vorstand

The chip patterning machines that will shape computing’s next act

Mysterious features found in the heart of Milky Way galaxy

System 2 Attention (is something you might need too)

Grenzen für Quantencomputer: Perfekte Uhren sind unmöglich

New tech for tackling increasing demand by 'internet of things' on mobile networks

Künstliche Intelligenz: Die Flut gefälschter Fakten

Sam Altman: Jetzt doch OpenAI-Rückkehr statt Microsoft-Wechsel?

Elektroautos überholen erstmals Diesel bei Neuzulassungen in EU

Einstein Was Right, when Everybody Thought He Was Wrong, Again!

Breaking report: 700 of 770 employees at OpenAI, including co-founder Ilya Sutskever, tell the remaining board to resign

In the search for alien life, should we be looking for artificial intelligence?

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Emmett Shear Becomes Interim OpenAI CEO as Altman Talks Break Down

Altman Sought Billions For Chip Venture Before OpenAI Ouster

Fired OpenAI CEO Sam Altman not coming back as negotiations fail, interim CEO Mira Murati also loses job

New research suggests plants might be able to absorb more CO2 from human activities than previously expected

Early-life stress changes more genes in the brain than a head injury

Study resolves puzzles in gravitational collapse of gravitational waves

Neuroscientists engineer a protein that enhances memory to respond to anti-aging drug

Is Science Dying?

Microsoft hires ex-OpenAI leaders Altman and Brockman to lead new AI team

Ousted OpenAI CEO Sam Altman Joins Microsoft To Lead Its New AI Research Team

Microsoft hires former OpenAI chief Sam Altman

Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman after a weekend of chaos

Microsoft Says Altman, Brockman Will Lead New In-House AI Team

Dozens of Staffers Quit OpenAI After Sutskever Says Altman Won’t Return

Wenn die Aufklärung zur Gegenaufklärung wird

Microsoft hires former OpenAI CEO Sam Altman

DOST, US firm to bring AI-powered weather forecasting system in PH

Doch keine Rückkehr von Sam Altman zu OpenAI

Sam Altman’s Attempt to Return as OpenAI CEO Fails as Board Turns to Ex-Twitch CEO

Who is Emmett Shear? New interim CEO of OpenAI who once called AI a 'universe destroying bomb'

How OpenAI’s Bizarre Structure Gave 4 People the Power to Fire Sam Altman

Zwei Dirigenten für eine chemische Reaktion

Twisted magnets make brain-inspired computing more adaptable

ChatGPT champ Sam Altman’s return to OpenAI stalled, board picks new CEO

Researchers' 'cooling glass' blasts building heat into space

OpenAI is bleeding talent in the wake of Sam Altman's ouster

How existential risk became the biggest meme in AI

Darum musste Sam Altman gehen

Is it Noah's Ark? Archaeologists find 5,000-year-old boat-shaped mound in Turkey

Wie sich Wissenschaft von Pseudowissenschaft unterscheiden lässt

Ursache der Exoplaneten-Lücke geklärt?

OpenAI's Ilya Sutskever once burned a wooden effigy to show his commitment to safe AI, report says

Inside the Chaos at OpenAI

If designers don't embrace AI the world "will be designed without them" says AirBnb founder

Sam Altman is out of OpenAI and has joined Microsoft. Here's a full timeline of the chaos that landed him there.

Sumerian Anti-Armageddon Device 4,000 Years Older Than Believed

Stimmen hören – künstlich ausgelöst

Medizin: Erstaunliche Einblicke in unser Innerstes

OpenAI Staff Threaten to Quit Unless Board Resigns

Saturday, November 18th, 2023

Discovery of an antibody that stimulates the immune system to eliminate cancer cells

OpenAI fires co-founder and CEO Sam Altman for allegedly lying to company board

Tied-Lora: Enhacing parameter efficiency of LoRA with weight tying

Scientists Find a Tumor Made of Teeth in The Pelvis of an Ancient Egyptian

What Quantum Batteries Have in Store

Sam Altman fired as CEO of OpenAI

The Sudden Fall of Sam Altman

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Human Creators?

Yale astronomer leads the way to the oldest known X-ray quasar

Elon Musk says AI will eventually create a situation where ‘no job is needed’

Tech guru Sam Altman out as CEO at ChatGPT’s Open AI

Sam Altman Out at OpenAI ‘Effective Immediately’

Exelixis (EXEL) Gains 30% YTD on Cabometyx, Pipeline Progress

Chaos bei ChatGPT-Entwickler: CEO gefeuert, Mitgründer kündigt

Juice burns hard towards first-ever Earth-Moon flyby

Researchers 3D printed and deployed a communication satellite in 90 min

Beim Ausbruch des Vesuv schmolzen Gehirne - zu Glas

Chef des ChatGPT-Erfinders OpenAI gefeuert

Friday, November 17th, 2023

Deep Mind's Student of Games AI system can beat humans at a variety of games

Computational Perspective on Recent Advances in Quantum Electronics: From Electron Quantum Optics to Nanoelectronic Devices and Systems

Acoustic frequency atomic spin oscillator in the quantum regime

The FASTER method for learning anything can keep you ahead of the AI curve

Creating realistic 'talking heads' with an AI-powered program

Mind in the machine

Identification of ethyl vanillin in strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) using a targeted metabolomics strategy: From artificial to natural

Research dives into the social network of proteins

Examining the mind's eye of a neural network system

Physicist believes that the entire universe could be a neural network

Wie Forscher versuchen, Gedanken eines Menschen für andere erlebbar zu machen

Biosignatur: Leben auf der Erde war für Aliens früher viel leichter zu entdecken

Physikerin Hossenfelder: "Zweifel und Unsicherheiten nicht herunterspielen"

Deepmind-Mitgründer verrät, was nach ChatGPT kommt

AI in Drug Discovery, Design and Development – Ricardo Pacheco at Longevity Summit Dublin 2023

Morphing cones under compression: New research uncovers surprises for soft robotic actuators

Warum wir auf KI-Gesichter reinfallen

SpaceX prepares for second test flight of world’s largest rocket

Webb made a breakthrough discovery in revealing how planets form

Engineers Develop a New Detector System for Quantum Computing

Scientists suggest alien spaceship 'may have crash-landed on Mars’

First Dream Chaser Vehicle Ready for Final Testing

Neue Art von Magnetismus nachgewiesen

The Leonid meteor shower peaks this weekend. Here's how to see it

How the US and China talking AI safety could reduce nuclear war risk

Sam Altman: GPT-5 underway and will substantially differ from GPT-4

Morgan Stanley: Forget ChatGPT and focus on the $4 trillion opportunity in enterprise AI — and the 16 stocks best positioned to profit from it

futurezone Award 2023: FH Technikum Wien gewinnt Kategorie Health Tech

Insilico Medicine’s Generative AI Patent Provides Advantage in AI Drug Discovery Race

Zombie Cells Have a Weakness. An Experimental Anti-Aging Therapy Exploits It.

Thursday, November 16th, 2023

Einstein must be wrong: How general relativity fails to explain the universe

Calorie restriction reduces biomarkers of cellular senescence in humans

Combination strategy offers hope for durable responses in pancreatic cancer

Metric spaces in chess and international chess pieces graph diameters

The CMS collaboration at CERN presents its latest search for 'dark photons'

Better Machine-Learning Models With Quantum Computers

Are There Reasons to Believe in a Multiverse?

First 2D semiconductor with 1,000 transistors developed: Redefining energy efficiency in data processing

Google DeepMind’s AI Weather Forecaster Handily Beats a Global Standard

In defense of scientifically and philosophically (not politically) critiquing neurobiological theories of consciousness

Training of 1-Trillion Parameter Scientific AI Begins

A de-extinction company is trying to resurrect the dodo

SMART pioneers microfluidic method to optimise stem cell extraction for advanced cell therapies

Painful fibromyalgia may be caused by the wrong kind of gut microbes

Towards Foundation Models for Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Most data lives in the cloud. What if it lived under the sea?

Machine learning and phylogenetic analysis allow for predicting antibiotic resistance in M. tuberculosis

Chronic dehydration induces injury pathways in rats, but does not mimic histopathology of chronic interstitial nephritis in agricultural communities

European Space Agency signs on to upcoming 'Starlab' space station

A video that appears to show David Attenborough narrating a programmer's life shows Hollywood actors were right to be afraid of AI

Scientists 3D-print hair follicles in lab-grown skin

‘Christmas tree’ galaxy shines in new image from Hubble and JWST

DeepMind tool makes 10-day weather forecast in 60 seconds

A New Generation of Mathematicians Pushes Prime Number Barriers

Webb detects presence of sand clouds in nearby exoplanet 'WASP-107b'

How business schools use AI to prepare leaders for industry demands | Explained

AI model can help predict survival outcomes for patients with cancer

First trial of ‘base editing’ in humans lowers cholesterol — but raises safety concerns

'Peculiar' aurora-like radio signal from sunspot discovered for the 1st time

James Webb Spots Possible Signs of Life on Distant Planet

Our Milky Way galaxy is on collision course with nearby Andromeda galaxy

Meet MiRGraph: A Novel Deep Learning Algorithm to Predict miRNA-target Interactions

Ice might be ubiquitous, but we are still discovering things about it

Fighting fire with fire: AI can detect phony AI-generated chemistry papers

Concorde-Nachfolger soll die Mega-Städte von NEOM anfliegen

Stellar corpse's unexpected bright flares intrigue astronomers

OpenAI aiming to create AI as smart as humans, helped by funds from Microsoft

Mystery resolved: Blackhole Feeding and Feedback at the Center of an Active Galaxy

Flexible needle goes soft after injections for safety and comfort

AI model instantly generates 3D image from 2D sample

NASA’s Webb Findings Support Long-Proposed Process of Planet Formation

Hubble Telescope revisits gorgeous spiral galaxy, offering a newly filtered view (photo)

Today’s Robotic Aortic Valve Replacement

COVID-related loss of taste and smell reversible over time, finds study

You probably don't need 8 hours of sleep for a healthy brain

Generative AI Company Haut.AI Raises €2 Million to Expand in Skincare B2B SaaS

You and AI: The role of AI in drug discovery

Impact of access to imaging technologies on scientific achievements

Will There Be A Nobel Prize For AI?

Llamas Know What GPTs Don't Show: Surrogate Models for Confidence Estimation

Researchers train AI to produce solar cells from perovskite in record time

Wednesday, November 15th, 2023

Race for First Drug Discovered by AI Nears Key Milestone

The multiverse is unscientific nonsense

A system that allows robots to use tools creatively by leveraging large language models

MART: Improving LLM Safety with Multi-round Automatic Red-Teaming

Quantum Cosmology and the Role of Consciousness

The Claims That “A.I. Will Kill Us All” Are Sounding Awfully Convenient

How robots and AI are helping develop better batteries

Yeast with 50% synthetic DNA engineered in breakthrough genetic studies

A new benchmark for high-performance carbon cathodes in lithium-oxygen batteries

NASA Is Locating Ice on Mars With This New Map

KI oder Supercomputer – wer macht bessere Wettervorhersagen?

Many physicists think we live in a multiverse. But they're getting a simple math rule wrong.

Proteinvorrat in Eizellen entschlüsselt

This Former Google Engineer Wants To Finally Make Search Work—For Work

SpaceX launches world's 1st satellite that can pinpoint carbon emissions from space

Test Processor With New Thermal Transistors Cools Chip Without Moving Parts

Neues CD-Labor: Künstliche Intelligenz für den Mobilfunk

Major medical breakthrough eliminates kidney stones with little to no pain

Amazing 14-year-old invented soap to treat skin cancer - named America’s Top Young Scientist

AI Austria monthly: November Update

Genetics of human longevity: From variants to genes to pathways

Tuesday, November 14th, 2023

An AI revolution is brewing in medicine. What will it look like?

Spray-on sensors can turn any clothing into motion-sensing technology

Quantum Algorithms Accelerate Learning in Neural Networks, Enhancing Machine Learning

Researcher develops filter to tackle 'unsafe' AI-generated images

OpenAI wants Microsoft to back its human-like “superintelligence” project with more funds

Artificial Intelligence and the next computing revolution

Scientists discover new way humans feel touch

Frühester Zwilling der Milchstraße entdeckt

OpenAI Invests in the Self-Driving Race with John Hayes, Founder of Ghost Autonomy

Study explores the scaling of deep learning models for chemistry research

Researchers discover elevated spinal cord enzyme linked to motor neuron aging

Magnetic field patterns found to cause oncolysis via oxidative stress in glioma cells

AI model instantly generates 3D image from 2D sample

Most everyone can lower blood pressure by reducing salt, even those on BP drugs: Study

Monday, November 13th, 2023

Scientists discover a new system to control the chaotic behavior of light

Traktorstrahl aus Star Trek soll Realität werden

JARVIS-1: Open-World Multi-task Agents with Memory-Augmented Multimodal Language Models

Patients are lining up for $2,500 full-body MRI scans that can detect cancer early

„Wir machen den Skalierungswettlauf mit unseren Algorithmen nicht mit“

Insights & Outcomes: Microbial cities, leaky membranes, and Einstein rings

Explained: Generative AI

Long-term Glucocorticoids in Relation to the Metabolic Syndrome and Cardiovascular Disease

Bill Gates nennt diese KI-Technologie „soziale Schockwelle“ – und investiert fleißig in sie

Erster Pulslaser in Chipgröße

Cryptographers Solve Decades-Old Privacy Problem

Powered by AI, new system makes human-to-robot communication more seamless

Spray-on sensors can turn any clothing into motion-sensing technology

AI Industry Insider Claims They Can No Longer Tell Apart Real and Fake

Semaglutide reduces cardiovascular events by 20% in overweight or obese adults who don't have diabetes: Trial

This AI Paper Introduces Relax: A Compiler Abstraction for Optimizing End-to-End Dynamic Machine Learning Workloads

New interferometry technique could improve GPS

20 Personalities of AI in Mental Health Leaders

AI in Mental Health Beta Version Advanced Industry Landscape Analytics Platform

Woraus besteht das Universum? Ein Teleskop ergründet die dunkle Seite des Weltalls

Volcanic 'devil comet' racing toward Earth resprouts its horns after erupting again

OpenAI recruiters are trying to lure Google AI employees with $10 million pay packets, report says

JWST spots the Milky Way twin from the early universe

Oxygen detected in Venus' hellish atmosphere

New Step in Dietary Cholesterol Processing Opens Treatment Avenues

Sunday, November 12th, 2023

A new theory linking evolution and physics has scientists baffled—but is it solving a problem that doesn't exist?

Jeffrey Katzenberg: AI Will Drastically Cut Number of Workers It Takes to Make Animated Movies

Carbon nanotube–based MOSFETs doped using a scalable technique

Bill Gates unterstützt diese verrückte Windkraftanlage – soll extrem günstig Strom produzieren

Transcriptomic analysis reveals a tissue-specific loss of identity during ageing and cancer

Denisovan DNA may increase risk of depression, schizophrenia, study suggests

The World Is Running Out of Data to Feed AI, Experts Warn

NASA’s Juno Finds Jupiter’s Winds Penetrate in Cylindrical Layers

Exploring how the human brain takes stock of blame

Friday, November 10th, 2023

Hon. Prof. Tom Chittenden and the Potential and Challenges of AI in the Pharmaceutical Industry

This hybrid baby monkey is made of cells from two embryos

Konkurrenz für Wuppertaler Schwebebahn

Human Consciousness Could Be a Side Effect of Entropy, Study Suggests

Enhancing LLM Attention with Category Theory

Transforming Deep Learning Education with Yann LeCun and Alfredo Canziani’s Free Online Course

Dr. Elizabeth Garner, MD, MPH - Chief Scientific Officer, U.S., Ferring Pharmaceuticals

Meteorite That Recently Fell in Somalia Turns Out to Contain Two Minerals Never Before Seen on Earth

LLaVA-Plus: Learning to Use Tools for Creating Multimodal Agents

Leben wir in einer Computersimulation? Neue Physik könnten es beweisen!

Ancient Egyptian tomb was filled with magical spells to ward off snake bites

A chunk of the moon appears to be orbiting near Earth, new study suggests

Scientists finally acknowledge that they got their solar cycle predictions wrong, and that we are fast approaching the sun's explosive peak

Chinese scientists claim to have come across anti-ageing breakthrough

MIT physicists have trapped electrons in pure crystals

'A disembodied head walking about the sea floor on its lips': Scientists finally work out what a starfish is

The rise of brain-reading technology: what you need to know

ChipNeMo: Domain-Adapted LLMs for Chip Design

How to use AI for discovery without leading science astray

GENOME: GenerativE Neuro-symbOlic visual reasoning by growing and reusing ModulEs

A second big bang? The radical idea rewriting dark matter’s origins

Why the quantum universe is weirder than you think

FLAP: Fast Language-Audio Pre-training

Extremes Isotop des Stickstoffs entdeckt

Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2024 Announces First Speakers

S-LoRA: Serving Thousands of Concurrent LoRA Adapters

Ultrafast lasers on ultra-tiny chips

11th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioscience (ICBB 2024)

Advances in soft robotics usher in a new era of scientific analysis, says researcher

Ex-Google CEO bets AI will shake up scientific research

NASA Telescopes Discover Record-Breaking Black Hole

Study probes risks to power plants from electromagnetic pulse

Rishi Sunak & Elon Musk | "AI Will Put An End To Work" | Artificial Intelligence

Is Our Universe Just an Expanding Bubble in a Hidden Dimension?

Overcoming leakage on error-corrected quantum processors

The History of Open-Source LLMs: Early Days (Part One)

Supermassive black holes are messy eaters big on recycling

NASA's Psyche Mission Could Challenge Gold's Scarcity With $10 Quintillion Asteroid Haul

Rats have an imagination, new research suggests

Glasses use sonar, AI to interpret upper body poses in 3D

Breast implants saved a man's life during a lung transplant. Here's how.

JWST Spots Giant Black Holes All Over the Early Universe

Human Disease Informs Immune Response

New study shows quasars can be buried in their host galaxies

Underwater device reveals marine chemical diversity

Universe's oldest X-ray-spitting quasar could reveal how the biggest black holes were born

A Supermassive Black Hole’s Strong Magnetic Fields are Revealed in a New Light

Webb, Hubble Telescopes Team Up to Create "Most Colorful View of the Universe"

Fractal Bubbles: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Cosmic Tapestry

Space Biology, 3D Printing Fill Crew’s Research Schedule

Revolutionizing Healthcare through Artificial Intelligence: AI Health Vienna 2023

Healthy Masters: International Conference

Repurposed Drug Improves Treatment of Type 1 Diabetes

Energy efficient particle collider concept could revolutionize physics

Thursday, November 9th, 2023

Deep Generative Models in De Novo Drug Molecule Generation

mPLUG-Owl2: Revolutionizing Multi-modal Large Language Model with Modality Collaboration

Billiger als KI: Wissenschaftler bauen künstliches Gehirn aus Silber-Nanodrähten

NASA aircraft detects atomic oxygen in Venus’ dayside atmosphere

OpenAI’s gen AI updates threaten the survival of many open source firms

NASA’s James Webb snaps stunning scene of a baby star birth in Orion

China claims to have developed AI chip more powerful than US’s Nvidia

These Moons Are Dark and Frozen. So How Can They Have Oceans?

2023 sehr wahrscheinlich wärmstes Jahr seit Aufzeichnungsbeginn

Was bedeutet Generative KI für Hochschule und Gesellschaft? Opening and panel discussion

A variant in the 5′UTR of ERBB4 is associated with lifespan in Golden Retrievers

YaRN: Efficient Context Window Extension of Large Language Models

Es ist nicht ChatGPT: Der neue Schummel-Trend unter Studierenden bei Examen

Engineered yeast breaks new record: a genome with over 50% synthetic DNA

China AI start-up hits unicorn status in less than 8 months

CoVLM: Composing Visual Entities and Relationships in Large Language Models Via Communicative Decoding

Wednesday, November 8th, 2023

Ex-Google CEO bets AI will shake up scientific research

Room-Temperature Superconductor Discovery Meets With Resistance

Wealthy men are spending millions to lower their biological ages and live longer

3D map plots human brain-cell 'antennae' in exquisite detail

Electron Spin, Chromophores, and Magnetic Fields: Unveiling the Secrets of Quantum Biology

Warum wir aufhören sollten, Tiere für dumm zu halten

CoVLM: Composing Visual Entities and Relationships in Large Language Models Via Communicative Decoding

Inaugural Lecture David Teis: "Molecular Membrane Biology"

Fleeting phenomenon of water autoionisation pinned down by neural network simulations

The Singularity Is Less Than 10 Years Away, Says AI Veteran

Heißestes Jahr seit 125.000 Jahren

Robot startups see huge market in replacing human workers: ‘We can sell millions of humanoids, billions maybe’

Rejuvenation Startup Summit 2024

Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

Forget ChatGPT, why Llama and open source AI win 2023

Researchers solve protein mystery

Natural killer cells now have a better shot at destroying cancer

An immune molecule that regulates aging and a living organism’s lifespan

Nobel winners Doudna, Charpentier discover how CRISPR Cas9 gene editing works: Good Chemistry

Erwachsene können sich immer besser konzentrieren

Unlocking Quantum Secrets – Simulations Reveal the Atomic-Scale Story of Qubits

Elon Musk Announces Grok, a ‘Rebellious’ AI With Few Guardrails

FLAP: Fast Language-Audio Pre-training

The controllable splitting of a single Cooper pair in a hybrid quantum dot system

In world 1st, virus spotted attached to 2nd virus

How Should Self-Supervised Learning Models Represent Their Data?

Aliens are silent because they may be going extinct — part 1

Innovatives Mini-Windrad für Wohnungen und Hausdächer

Dr. Wade Blair, PhD - Head of Virology & Vaccine Discovery, Vaccines & Immune Therapies, AstraZeneca

Monday, November 6th, 2023

A significant milestone toward quantum computing

Liste allen Lebens auf Erde in Arbeit

Scientists manipulate quantum fluids of light, bringing us closer to next-generation unconventional computing

Genome sequencing project reveals new secrets about cat evolution

Researchers identify bacterial mechanism for vitamin B12 uptake

The genetic heritage of the Denisovans may have left its mark on our mental health

Improving deep sleep may prevent dementia, study finds

Engineers develop an efficient process to make fuel from carbon dioxide

The future of AI hardware: Scientists unveil all-analog photoelectronic chip

Exploring the perspectives of pharmaceutical experts and healthcare practitioners on senolytic drugs for vascular aging-related disorder: a qualitative study

Healthy aging - would cytotoxic T lymphocytes stand out?

Neuartiger Teilchenbeschleuniger soll nur halb so viel Energie brauchen

A universal programmable Gaussian boson sampler for drug discovery

'Mika' becomes world's first AI human-like robot CEO

MoglingBio wins further funding from Kizoo to accelerate hematopoietic stem cell and immune system rejuvenation

Sunday, November 5th, 2023

Civilizations Could Use Gravitational Lenses to Transmit Power From Star to Star

Advancing protein therapeutics through proximity-induced chemistry

Biophysicists Uncover Powerful Symmetries in Living Tissue

Researcher Claims to Crack RSA-2048 With Quantum Computer

Model wurde mit KI verändert um "weißer" auszusehen

Friday, November 3rd, 2023

Regierungen warnen: KI könnte katastrophalen Schaden anrichten

Form follows function: Nuclear morphology as a quantifiable predictor of cellular senescence

Sam Altman warns AI could kill us all. But he still wants the world to use it

Goodbye programmers: Team of AI bots develops software in 7 minutes instead of 4 weeks

Femtosecond multimodal imaging with a laser-driven X-ray source

Optical fiber–based, single-photon light source at room temperature for next-generation quantum processing

Solving a long-standing problem in transmission electron microscopy

Can aesthetics contribute to chemistry?

Was ist ein Quantencomputer?

Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

Imagining the Next 100 Years of Science and Technology

LoRA Fine-tuning Efficiently Undoes Safety Training in Llama 2-Chat 70B

In a world of infinite AI, the new luxury item will be humans

Chemists make breakthrough in drug discovery chemistry: Two methods to replace carbon with a nitrogen atom in a molecule

The cell is full of complex organelles. Where did they all come from?

Fastest ever semiconductor could massively speed up computer chips

Open access consortium Coalition S invites feedback on ‘responsible publishing’ plan

Nanowire 'brain' network learns and remembers 'on the fly'

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