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Metabolite profiling: from diagnostics to systems biology
Fernie et al. (2004): Metabolite profiling: from diagnostics to systems biology
This paper "define[s] the currently used metabolite-profiling technologies and detail[s] the main differences between these technologies".
Historically, the measurement of metabolites has mostly been achieved by spectrophotometric assays that can detect single metabolites, or by simple chromatographic separation of mixtures of low complexity. Over the past decade, however, methods that offer both high accuracy and sensitivity for the measurement of highly complex mixtures of compounds have been established. Reflecting differences in metabolite coverage, accuracy and instrumentation, several terms have been adopted to describe these methods - ranging from metabolic fingerprinting and metabolite profiling, to metabolomics and metabonomics. [...] Fundamentally, there are two different types of metabolic-profiling approaches: mass-spectrometry and NMR methodologies.
These technologies bear relevance to diagnostics, annotation of gene function and systems biology.
Metabolic profiles have been widely used, in conjunction with statistical tools, for diagnosis. One of the first examples of the use of metabolite profiling in diagnostics was the estimation of modes of action of various herbicides. [...]
Metabolite profiling provides direct functional information on metabolic phenotypes and indirect functional information on a range of phenotypes that are determined by small molecules; for example, stress tolerance or disease manifestations. Given this, metabolite profiling has potential as a tool for functional genomics. [...]
In addition to the incorporation of metabolite profiling in systems-biology initiatives, the measurement of many metabolites in parallel gives insights into the complex regulatory circuits that underpin metabolism.
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